3rd Offense DUI in Las Vegas
A 3rd offense DUI charge in Las Vegas (within 7 years of your first DUI offense) is no longer a misdemeanor. A 3rd DUI charge is elevated to a felony and could lead to the following penalties if convicted:
A state prison sentence of a minimum 1 year period and maximum 6 year period
Fines of no less than $2,000 and not to exceed $5,000 as well as additional fees and assessments
Revocation of drivers license for 3 to 5 years
Must attend the Victim Impact Panel
Must install Ignition Interlock Device on any vehicle you own or operate for no less than 1 year and no more than 36 months upon release from prison
Must complete 8-hour DUI school or substance abuse program
In addition to the court ordered penalties mentioned above, a felony DUI conviction can increase insurance premiums and negatively effect future employment opportunities. A 3rd DUI Offense in Las Vegas is a serious charge and requires a serious attorney to represent you. Do not face these charges alone.

For any inquiries, please call or email us:
702-916-3330 |
our address
815 S Casino Center Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89101